Acts & Legislation

CANNN was created by and operates in accordance with provisions of the Nursing Profession Act of the NWT and the Nursing Profession Act of Nunavut, both of which were proclaimed January 1, 2004.

A Brief History of Legislation Changes

In June, 2002 the Legislative Assembly of the NWT approved Bill 8: an Act to Amend the Nursing Profession Act and the Pharmacy Act. Provisions of this amendment allowed for establishment of a separate register for Nurse Practitioners, and provided for registration of Nurse Practitioners who are parties to Collaborative Practice Agreements. These were considered interim measures, and now have been superseded by provisions of the new Act. 

In 2003, the NWT Nursing Profession Act was rewritten, in accordance with the GNWT’s Action Plan. The NWTRNA Legislation Committee prepared for several years, and had a wish-list of needed improvements. The committee worked closely with the government throughout the drafting of the new Act over and are satisfied that those concerns have been addressed. 

The new Act, Bill 12, passed 1st and 2nd reading in the NWT Legislative Assembly in March, and 3rd and final reading in June, 2003. NWTRNA petitioned the government to delay putting the bill into effect until January 1, 2004, to be consistent with our membership year, and to allow time to write and approve new Bylaws, and review Association policies in light of the new Act.

An amendment to the Nunavut Nursing Profession Act was passed on November 5, 2003, and came into force on January 1, 2004, coinciding with the proclamation of NWT Bill 12. This proclamation necessitated a name change, leading to the transformation of NWTRNA into the Registered Nurses Association of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

In 2023, the Acts underwent revision, resulting in the introduction of two new Nursing Profession Acts: the Nursing Profession Act of NWT (Bill 77) and the Nursing Professions Act of Nunavut (Bill 23). These legislative changes brought forth a comprehensive framework aimed at streamlining the regulation of all nurses within the Territories. Consequently, the College now registers nurses in all four categories: Licensed Practical Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurses, and Registered Psychiatric Nurses. Moreover, the legislation introduces the development of nurse prescribing for RNs and RPNs.

With these new Acts our name has changed to reflect the dual mandate we work under. We are the College and Association of Nurses of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut (CANNN).

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